Revolutionary new replacement D10 & D11 front track frame cannons!

RDW Parts now stocks new replacement D10 & D11 front track frame cannons

  • Made in Australia, using locally sourced materials allows for machine downtime to be reduced by up to 80% with ease of replacement of just the failed or worn iron.
  • If the cannon assembly wears on one end (in the keyways) the cannon tube can be rotated 180 degrees and used again effectively doubling the life of the cannon
  • This unique designed two piece cannon allows you the freedom to replace either the Idler end or the cannon shaft when required.
  • Safety, the Cannon was designed with safety and durability in mind. The design has key features that reduce stress and threat of fracturing the cannon. The Cannon is designed so the recoil spring assembly is sealed inside the cannon shaft to provide a physical barrier between personnel and the stored energy sources.
  • These cannons have been field proven in high impact conditions showing no issues after 2 + years in service

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