ALLU Crusher in the RDW QLD rock breakers Warehouse

New year, new you?

Are you one of the 41% of people who made a New Year’s resolution? Those who set goals are 10 times more likely to achieve than those who don’t. Hate to be the person to break it to you, but new years resolutions have a higher failure rate than normal goals. Why? People just don’t […]

Cryptocurrency on Mobile App

The True Worth of Nothing

I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life, some that I still kick myself for. One of my biggest regrets is something I didn’t do, rather than something I did do: invest in cryptocurrency. However, as this spectacular story about the meteoric rise to become the world’s third largest crypto exchange and then even more […]

Hacker working in the darkness

Can’t hack it?

One of the key assets of a business or institution is the information they collect. So it should be no surprise that data hacking has now escalated to the point where it is a potentially devasting threat to business and individuals. 32% of Australians have had their data exposed in the past year, compared to […]

Slot machines at casino, free public domain CC0 image.

Big Bad Bet

“The house always wins”. Gambling odds are never in favour of the average punter, and that has been confirmed by the recent cancellation of the gambling licences of Australia’s two large Casino operators, but they will still be allowed to operate. So despite a supposedly heavily regulated industry falling foul of the law, as fishy […]


What Quiet Quitting means to you

Do you have Quiet Quitters in your midst? Are they quitting on you, or on their lives in general? Why are they professing to this mindset, and what can you do about it? Quiet Quitting started on TikTok and is moving onto other social media through the “look at me” influencers. As the term is […]

Free public domain CC0 photo.

Tying a noose?

As a society, we tend to be slow learners. After every boom, there is an inevitable bust. And the worst affected when the ride comes to an end is those who locked themselves in at the peak. Whilst it’s very tempting for businesses to grab every opportunity, especially when securing scarce resources, are you locking […]

worker in warehouse

Game Changer

Somewhat quietly, game changing legislation takes effect from 1st of July that will have massive future benefits for all Machinery owners to have machines repaired at a competitive price using a repairer and parts of your choice. The “Right to Repair” legislation makes it mandatory for OEM’s to give access to repair information (and stops […]

Flat lay of business concept

Contracts not worth the paper

  For the first time in history, we are hearing companies or indeed entire industry sectors telling their customers to go elsewhere. They are in the predicament of having to choose between going broke now or trying to renegotiate often fixed price contracts to something workable. So what’s gone wrong? Contracts can smell very fishy […]