measuring tapes

What gets measured gets done – set your 1% challenge!

What gets measured gets done – set your 1% challenge! The only way to improve is to know your starting point, set a goal, then measure tasks and performance that lead to that goal. Whether in business or on the sporting field, winners know and understand this. Many years ago now and reasonably early in […]

Allu municipal waste

Waste & Recycling in QLD

Waste & Recycling in QLD Queensland’s new waste levy was announced in Qld’s 2018/2019 State Budget in a bid to move towards a European model of recycling. The (LGAQ) Local Government Association of Queensland’s wants no waste sent to landfill by 2028, a goal which is already being achieved in Sweden and Finland in part […]

Excavator Undercarriage

Quick Tips to help Maintain your Excavator Undercarriage

It was once a common practice in the heavy equipment industry to run a set of tracks until they failed or came apart. This was in part due to a lack of properly trained operators and to a greater extent the fact that excavators were designed more for ease of production rather than serviceability. Thankfully, […]

Machinery Service

Fitting Times

Fitting times As for any business or industry, it is important to pre-empt upcoming issues and factors that will impact on us, so we can plan accordingly. I found this chart by Queensland Economic Advocacy Solutions (QEAS) on Qld Apprenticeships particularly concerning. Once a problem is identified, it’s important to find a solution, but on […]

Quick Hitch

Grader Parts

Fully automatic Dual Positive Lock Hydraulic Quick Hitch/Coupler RD Williams Excavator Parts & Hill Engineering have come together to offer the Australian market a fully automatic dual positive hydraulic quick coupler. The Tefra Quick Hitch/Coupler offers a range of models to suit 3-120 Tonne Excavators, all makes & models.