top view of buildings

Buy Australian first

  Since our newsletter in January (View Article)on reasons to buy Australian made products from Australian owned companies, the arguments for supporting all Australian businesses has become all the more compelling. Not only has there been a simmering trade war, as I write this many Australian institutions have been subjected to cyber attacks. It has […]

QRB ALLU Transformer on the back of a truck

Heavy Duty ALLU Processing Arm

Meeting deadlines is what we pride our selves in. This heavy duty ALLU processing arm is destined for an urgent job and had to be on site today. We provided the truck and transport to arrive on site as requested, to enable our customer to start their project on time.

money graphics

The Instant Asset Write Off

Businesses are able to write off the costs of buying and repairing depreciable assets (including new or used equipment) of ANY value up until June 30, 2022.


Payment Times Reporting Bill 2020

Last year, the Federal Government put in place that Government is to pay all suppliers within 20 days. In addition to this, legislation (known as the Payment Times Reporting Bill 2020) was introduced to Parliament last week that requires businesses with a total annual income of more than $100 million to report on how and […]


An Instant Financial Kick

Are you “glass half full” or “glass half empty”? It’s very easy to justify being “glass half empty” at present. However, many moons ago when playing around on racetracks, I learnt to look where you want to go. If you don’t, you just might go somewhere unintended and crash. So, I prefer to focus on […]

machinery parts

Instant asset write-off applies to most purchases from RDW

The Federal Government’s Economic Stimulus Package consists of two investment components: the Instant Asset Write off (on assets under $150,000) purchased by June 30 2020. The second is the Backing Business Investment (50% Instant Depreciation Write off on assets of ANY value) which applies from March 12 2020 until June 30 2021. Both components are available to all companies […]